Please someone tell me!
What is the point of
weathermen, weatherwomen, yelling into their mics, plena voce, struggling to
stand upright while palm trees disintegrate around them, drenched and
unrecognizable through TV cameras about to short circuit, “reporting” on a
Don’t the networks get the dangerous contradiction they're promoting. They have to. It’s so obvious. For at least 4 days before Irma, Florida
residents are warned non-stop to “evacuate”, “leave now”, “don’t go
outdoors for any reason”, “first responders will not come to rescue you”.
But here we have intrepid, cum daredevils, (forgive the lame
pun here) casting all good sense to the wind. And not too subtley contradicting everything public safety management experts are saying.
Has language failed us totally?
Is it simply not “real” enough to see hurricane devastation
from the vantage point of non-human mounted camera?
Has our emersion in reality TV raised the bar so high that
we’re no longer engaged enough nor satisfied enough until the weatherman is torn limb
from limb as we gaze snacking at our viewing devices - our own private Roman Collosseums?
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