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Ian Wong
The media has always been a source of influence for people, and with the increase in popularity among video games, their influence on people and people’s views on things have also increased. This is because, many video games degrade and sexually objectify women. Many times in video games, female characters are often underrepresented, and or oversexualized in contrast to their male counterparts, to attract a male audience. This is clearly evident in the fighting game series “Mortal Kombat”, where female characters are both dramatically oversexualized and underrepresented.
you agree that women are misrepresented and over sexualized in video games?
Berrin, and Tracy Collins Standley. "Shirts vs. skins: Clothing as an
indicator of gender role stereotyping in video games." Mass
Communication & Society 5.3 (2002): 279-293.
Harper, Brit, and Marika
Tiggemann. "The Effect Of Thin Ideal Media Images On Women’S
Self-Objectification, Mood, And Body Image." Sex Roles 58.9/10
(2008): 649-657. Academic Search Complete. Web. 12 Nov. 2015.
Ivory, James D.
"Still a Man’s Game: Gender Representation in Online Reviews of Video
Games." Mass Communication and Society. Department of Communication
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 17 Nov. 2006. Web. 20 Oct.
Ian Wong
The media has always been a source of influence for people, and with the increase in popularity among video games, their influence on people and people’s views on things have also increased. This is because, many video games degrade and sexually objectify women. Many times in video games, female characters are often underrepresented, and or oversexualized in contrast to their male counterparts, to attract a male audience. This is clearly evident in the fighting game series “Mortal Kombat”, where female characters are both dramatically oversexualized and underrepresented.
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