Saturday, March 13, 2021

Connecticut Vaccine Portal: other states take note!

My last post sliced into the incomprehensible language and format NY State used in a key gateway form that New Yorkers had to navigate in order to register to get the Covid Vaccine. 

NYS could get some lessons in clear communication by checking out it's own next door neighbor - Connecticut -  Connecticut has written and  designed a web portal that is inviting, user-friendly -  helps a consumer feel that they can manage to:

  •  determining eligibility
  • schedule an appointment 

I use three screen shots that show how they staged the topic of eligibility, specifically when you may live in congregate housing.  (Recall NYS poses this eligibility category as a survey question and makes no effort to explain what this means. 

Who is Eligible?  

Congregate Housing 

Explaining Congregate Housing 

While the reading level of the last graphic - explaining congregate housing could be tweaked to be less complex, this portal does no less than 3 important things:
  1. it makes getting information about obtaining the Covid Vaccine "low-barrier" 
  2. it communicates to people that Ct cares about them, which builds trust and good will
  3. it provides and may teach the consumer new information while they accomplish their task.

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